日常应用 网络新发现


好吧,感谢@乐天诗人 童鞋的推荐,让我见识到了这么震撼的presentation template。面对这种东西,完全没有抵抗力5555。什么powerpoint,什么beamer...什么pandoc自带的那几个破烂HTML5...一切都定格在impress.js。不要问我这是什么,如果你连自己搜都不会,就太不符合geek精神了。作者超级霸气,比如在帮助文档里面...


Use the source, Luke 😉

If you have no idea what I mean by that, or you just clicked that link above and got very confused by all these strange characters that got displayed on your screen, it's a sign, that impress.js is not for you.



Oh, you've already cloned the code from GitHub?

You have it open in text editor?

Stop right there!

That's not how you create awesome presentations. This is only a code. Implementation of the idea that first needs to grow in your mind.

So if you want to build great presentation take a pencil and piece of paper. And turn off the computer.

Sketch, draw and write. Brainstorm your ideas on a paper. Try to build a mind-map of what you'd like to present. It will get you closer and closer to the layout you'll build later with impress.js.

Get back to the code only when you have your presentation ready on a paper. It doesn't make sense to do it earlier, because you'll only waste your time fighting with positioning of useless points.

If you think I'm crazy, please put your hands on a book called "Presentation Zen". It's all about creating awesome and engaging presentations.

伤不起啊...还是乖乖的去找“Presentation Zen”这个东西吧。在书到手之前,乖乖的先弄一点东西应付一下接下来的presentation。可惜没搞定knitr,总是报错。只能手动拷代码进去了,sigh。


BTW,这里有个impress.js制作的稍稍潦草的slides,大家凑活着看一下,嘻嘻: 注:中文默认用“冬青黑体”,没有的自己看着办吧....