
Constitutional Law by Yale 听课笔记(二)


Anti-Federalists and the Federalists


The Anti-Federalists opposed the new U.S. Constitution for numerous reasons.

  • They distrusted large, powerful national governments and believed liberty could only be protected in small republics in which the rulers were closely checked by the public.
  • They believed a large nation could best be governed by a confederation, with local governments having the most control. A strong national government would be distant from the people and not capable of protecting the rights of the citizens. Congress would tax too heavily and the Supreme Court would overrule state courts.
  • They distrusted the president having too much power, including a standing army under his control.
  • They also favored the addition of a Bill of Rights to protect the citizens from the national government. They wanted the House of Representatives increased in size so it would reflect a greater variety of popular interests.
  • The wanted a council created to check the actions of the president.
  • They also favored leaving military affairs in the hands of the state militias.

Federalists favored a strong national government with supreme power over state governments.

  • The rights of citizens would be protected from the government via legislation, the courts, and the Bill of Rights.
  • Federalists distrusted the masses to select the best candidates so they made only the House of Representatives directly elected by the people. Checks and Balances within the Constitution would make sure no one branch became too powerful.
  • The President would have control over the military, necessary for national defense, but could not violate the laws.The Secretary of War would advise the President.
  • The national government needed the power to tax and enforce the laws, or the ills of the Articles would hamper the development, agriculture and industry, of the new nation.



Constitutional Law by Yale 听课笔记(一)

Coursera上期盼已久的一门课,终于在春天开课了。我一直觉得自己的法律学的太差了,或者说没受过专业的法学训练(其实还应该补一下accounting,可是我实在是懒的去考CFA)...需要恶补一下。所以这门课比较适合我的需求。去年本来计划修完世界史的那门A History of the World since 1300,结果后面各种走神...台大的《秦始皇》倒是听完了。现在不贪多了,争取听好这一门。


  • 了解美国的宪法基本知识和相应的社会制度
  • 了解诞生这样宪法的历史背景
  • 了解后面一步步的修正过程
  • 逐渐思考,这样的制度变迁是如何配合美国近代经济发展的

说白了,就是从制度经济学和历史的角度,去理解美国宪法对于经济社会生态的影响。毕竟说到底,mechanism design一直是我很喜欢的一个研究领域,而社会制度是慢工出细活的学习过程。希望接下来的几个月的时间可以达成这样的目标嗯。



  • Congressional Powers:议会
  • Presidential Powers:总统
  • Judges and Juries:庭审系统
  • States and Territories: 联邦
  • The Law of the Land: 土地法
  • Making Amends:修正案
  • Progressive Reforms and Modern Moves:改革演化和最近的进程


民主: 1787年,美国宪法建立。在此之前,完全没有民主(democracy)的概念,而在二百多年后的今天,哪怕是拥有十几亿人口的印度,都实现了民主选举。


We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.




美国联邦政府参议两院制度由其演变而来,设有参众两议院。参议院(Senate),各州不论人口均派有两名代表;众议院(House of Representatives),以人口比例分配。这是出于“议员对联邦政府不信任”和“政府认为议员不具有代表性”的平衡,或者理解为各个州之间话语权分配的角逐平衡。现在,众议院中有各州众议院议员435名,而参议员来自50个州,为数100名。而关于人数,其实当年也有争论(若是太多,则几乎无法对话;差旅也是个问题)。差旅方面,一律由联邦政府负责,不由各个州出钱(为了避免只有利益相关州代表出席)。


如果参众任一方认为某提案是违宪的(unconstitutional law),那么不会有任何投票。此外,总统也有判定违宪权。