

今天,又好好翻了翻Calvó-Armengol的生平,不禁唏嘘不已。看到了GSE上一段引人泪下的话,写给Calvó-Armengol International Prize in Economics的:

"The prize that bears Toni's name will honor young accomplished researchers whose achievements recall the creativity, energy, and rigor that were the hallmarks of his work."

Prof. Salvador Barberà (UAB and Barcelona GSE)

而后,又翻了翻那年那些事儿,看到一篇熟悉的论文“Social Networks and Peer Effects: Theory and Applications”正是08年纪念Calvó-Armengol的seminar的主题,顿时有种眼眶涨涨的盈满泪水的感觉。

09年春天,这个奖诞生了第一位主人,那就是Esther Duflo。一年之后,她又拿到了克拉克奖(Clark Prize)。本来只想起她是做田野实验的,细看下来才明白,原来Esther Duflo用social network做了一些小额贷款的工作,网站原文如此:

In particular, Prof. Duflo's research touches on many subjects that Prof. Toni Calvó had worked on from different angles. For example, one of her best-known contributions, in a paper with Prof. Abhijit Banerjee, relates to showing that any increase or decrease in inequality in a country is followed by a reduction in a country's growth rate, which has turned out to be an interesting puzzle. Prof. Calvó had worked on understanding sources of inequality and how differences in social network structure might lead to inequality.

明天开始,Duflo将和Matthew Jackson等齐聚Calvó-Armengol的故乡Andorra,举行一个“a fully funded three-day workshop for 20 to 25 young investigators from around the world”。演讲列表见这儿:。毫无疑问这将是social and economic network的一次盛宴。Esther Duflo将做“Social network and microfinance adoption”的演讲,而其余二十多位年轻才俊也将带来该领域新的曙光。

不知为什么,到此时我还是心中有点隐隐的同感,对Toni英年早逝的惋惜之情依旧不能释怀。可惜,无缘相见。但闻其还有一学生在GSE,希望能有机会讨教一二。有意思的是,前阵子还被人打击我说毕业论文关注那些东西没意思,拿着我以前另外一篇合约理论的文章说后者更有前途。然而我相信我的直觉,相信所谓的女人的第六感,仅仅一篇毕业论文不能代表任何东西,更多更深的还需进一步慢慢学习。看到behavioral economics的时候,觉得看到了上午11点钟的太阳,马上就要磅礴绽放;而此时看到social network,却又觉得看到了9点钟的太阳,需要更多的时间升起,却可能绽放的更为辉煌。