
从Scientific Word到Lyx


那天看AER的时候注意到了后面的广告,有个叫做Scientific Word的东西,貌似很强大。于是就一直希望拿来用用。但是很遗憾是商业软件,并且很久没有更新了(两三年了都是那个V5.5),网上也找不到下载了,所以郁郁之下只能继续搜寻。然后很巧的被我发现了Lyx,一个开源免费的程序,实在是强大的让人没话说。最重要的是,Lyx为跨平台的版本~Linux,Mac,Win下都能用。


目前Lyx是支持中文的,不过貌似是繁体中文……好吧,我就偷渡到祖国的那边去好了。不过我还没有到真实的去写一篇论文,所以一直在想要不要好好的研究一下。但是刚才看完了官方的视频,实在是!!!效率太高了!!!对于一个时间有限的我来说,Lyx正是我所需要的,而且他还可以利用现有的Tex模板,真的是一件非常Perfect的事儿!Well, CTex, I have to say good bye to you!

好吧,这次的论文我决定暂时告别Word了……虽然刚刚熟悉了Word 2007的界面……


English 日常应用




有的时候开玩笑的给朋友说,这次做中微作业最大的收获绝不是作业本身。而是一些“Extra Gain”。在此不多多废话了,本文最后再讨论那些问题。



  • 使用JPG图像,虽然可以转换为EPS,但是效果实在是让人不敢恭维。
  • 使用Photoshop导出EPS,然后在GSview里面转换为PS,最后插入PS。因为转换步骤较多,失真较严重。

最后我仔细研究了一下LaTex直接插入EPS提示的错误:Cannot determine size of graphic in **.eps <No BoundingBox>

然后想起来在调用includegraphics的时候,有可选的参数includegraphics[bb=0 0 451 200,width=7cm]{graph1.eps}。用于在boundingbox参数丢失的时候来指定boundingbox。正好photoshop所生成的EPS图像就是欠缺这个参数,于是赋上一个合适的数值之后,就可以用了。 至于数值,大家可以仔细调整然后看看效果,我也没很弄明白它是怎么定义的,还是改改看看效果满意为止吧。


最后,附上一些英文写的“The extra gain behind this assignment”。不再翻译了,大家凑活着理解吧。

Am I right? Prove it!
Life is full of surprise, and this time is not an exception. When an unbelievable thing happens, how to face the music?
While I regarded the question itself as a failing one, which is because of a simple neglect with the symbol “+”, no one believe me even myself. Try to following the words on the paper I get myself into a big trouble. After careful searching the resources, I finally prove that I’m right.
The most important achieve is not the faith of believing myself, but the knowledge I got while searching the information in the library within hundreds of economic books and journals. The best result is not just solving a question, but the total understanding of it. That is the most precious experience in study.
“Extra gain”? The “Bonus” is a better description. Thank you for your pretty mistake.

A good use of Internet
When you are confronted with a big problem, what’s your first preference? Of course, it is the wonderful Internet. By simply typing some words into the search box, all the reference is shown on the screen. What’s better is that when using the electronic resources in the university network, you can freely download most articles found. Thanks a lot to the free electronic resource like Justor and Wiley, I have easily found the useful reference and those helped me a lot.
So just make a better use of the great Internet!

Try to use professional software

LaTex may be the best choice of making a perfect pdf document which contains many mathematic symbols. There is a little difficulty at the beginning, but to carry on you can do a wonderful work. Learning the use of this software is completely the “Extra Gain” when doing this assignment. But I have to say that I benefit a lot from this experience.

To be continued…
