


以前这三个词总是远远的存在于我的词汇库里面。对于他们代表什么一点概念都没有。上一次说到以色列还是读书的时候,有一个summer school在以色列,管吃管住,于是各种心花荡漾。结局自然是然后就没有然后了。




  • 特拉维夫(Tel Aviv)和耶路撒冷(Jerusalem)非常的不一样。特拉维夫的狂欢始于半夜,凌晨两三点整个海滩上还都是人,还有很多小孩子开心的玩耍。整个城市好像不需要睡觉一样,早晨六点醒来海滩就开始熙熙攘攘。
  • 这边的饮食非常健康,人们吃好多好多蔬菜,也有肉,也有鱼。最让我意外的是早餐也有鱼,而且不仅仅是烟熏三文鱼,还有一种柠檬腌过的鱼片。开始我还是拒绝的,后面好奇心害死猫吃了一口,惊为天人,再也控制不住,于是每天的早餐从鱼片开始。
  • Shalom and Shabbat Shalom. 意思是你好和周六好。因为周六是以色列的安息日,所以一切都归于平静了,连饭店都不怎么开门。



在以色列东北和叙利亚交界的地方有个湖泊叫太巴列湖(galilee sea),也叫加利利海,湖的东岸就是著名的戈兰高地。1989年,因为太巴列湖水位下降,在它西南岸的奥哈罗 (Ohalo)出露了一个史前遗址。不过,以色列的考古人员对这个遗址只做了初步发掘,太巴列湖的水位就重新上升,又把它淹没了。直到1999年湖面再次 萎缩,新一轮的发掘才得以重新进行。也许正是因为湖水的长期保护,奥哈罗遗址中幸运地保存了大量植物遗存。经过鉴定,其中的谷物籽粒绝大多数都是野大麦; 野小麦的数目非常少,即使加上和小麦属近缘的山羊草属植物的籽粒,总数也不到野大麦的四分之一[ 4]。遗址中还发现了石磨,在它表面甚至还黏附着一些淀粉颗粒,说明它至少有一个用途是把野生谷物磨成粉。经过测年,人们发现奥哈罗遗址是大约1.9万年 前形成的,可见当“新月沃地”的社会还处在狩猎–采集阶段时,对一些人群来说,野大麦恐怕才是他们最主要的粮食。


Social learning in Microfinance

今天偶然扫到一篇paper,三个mit jpal搞小微金融的去印度做了一个关于social learning的实验,目的就是为了看一下他们的学习过程是更符合bayesian learning呢还是DeGroot。

结论是更偏向DeGroot,大家懒到直接去用knn的原则猜一下就好了.... (落了一地冷汗)。


Agents often use noisy signals from their neighbors to update their beliefs about a state of the world. The effectiveness of social learning relies on the details of how agents aggregate information from others. There are two prominent models of information aggregation in networks: (1) Bayesian learning, where agents use Bayes' rule to assess the state of the world and (2) DeGroot learning, where agents instead consider a weighted average of their neighbors' previous period opinions or actions. Agents who engage in DeGroot learning often double-count information and may not converge in the long run. We conduct a lab experiment in the field with 665 subjects across 19 villages in Karnataka, India, designed to structurally test which model best describes social learning. Seven subjects were placed into a network with common knowledge of the network structure. Subjects attempted to learn the underlying (binary) state of the world, having received independent identically distributed signals in the first period. Thereafter, in each period, subjects made guesses about the state of the world, and these guesses were transmitted to their neighbors at the beginning of the following round. We structurally estimate a model of Bayesian learning, relaxing common knowledge of Bayesian rationality by allowing agents to have incomplete information as to whether others are Bayesian or DeGroot. Our estimates show that, despite the flexibility in modeling learning in these networks, agents are robustly best described by DeGroot-learning models wherein they take a simple majority of previous guesses in their neighborhood.




要说学英文最难学的是什么,我觉得听说读写的排序应该是 写 > 说 > 听 > 读,基本就是越需要自己主动的就越难...尤其是英文作为这么一门规则乱七八糟的语言(反正中文也没好哪儿去),很多东西是需要看到了知道了记住了...没太多规律什么。到后面其实也有超越语言本身的一些问题:比如如何遣词造句、如何安排段落、如何构建整个的文章结构。到这里基本就和语言无关了,用中文我也没有做的很好。所以觉得还是需要花一些时间在写作上面。

最近跟了edx一门课:English Grammar and Style, 以及在看一本书 The Elements of Style。其实这门课是给英语母语的人开的、而不仅仅是非母语者(English as a foreign language, EFL)。很多英语母语的人不知道音标、不知道语法,我跟他们聊linguistics 的时候他们也会听的一愣一愣的。但是跟一些英文写的很优雅的人聊天,就会发现他们其实对英文语法也是有很深入的了解的,我想这也是为什么他们写出来可以那么优雅的缘故吧。想想惭愧的是我也不知道中文的语法应该是什么,到底是中文没有什么语法规则呢(不太可能),还是我写的不够好呢(我觉得是我写的不够好吧....)?

第一课基本就是在说一些非常基本的英文语法。说来惭愧,我从来分不清什么时候用the 什么时候不用....也其实不太拎的清楚什么时候用that 什么时候用which...看了无数的规则教程什么还是脑子里没概念(语感),囧。


事儿关经济 读书有感



The Girl Next Door: The Effect of Opposite Gender
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics Vol. 7, Issue 3 -- July 2015
Parents are concerned about the in influence of friends during adolescence. Using the gender composition of schoolmates in an individual's close neighborhood as an instrument for the gender composition of an individual's self-reported friendship network, this paper finds that the share of opposite gender friends has a sizable negative effect on high school GPA. The effect is found across all subjects for students over the age of sixteen, but is limited to mathematics and science for younger students. Self-reported difficulties getting along with the teacher and paying attention in class are important mechanisms through which the effect operates.
事儿关经济 读书有感



Unintended Effects of Anonymous Résumés
Luc Behaghel, Bruno Crépon and Thomas Le Barbanchon, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics Vol. 7, Issue 3 -- July 2015


We evaluate an experimental program in which the French public employment service anonymized resumes for firms that were hiring. Firms were free to participate or not; participating firms were then randomly assigned to receive either anonymous resumes or name-bearing ones. We find that participating firms become less likely to interview and hire minority candidates when receiving anonymous resumes. We show how these unexpected results can be explained by the self-selection of firms into the program and by the fact that anonymization prevents the attenuation of negative signals when the candidate belongs to a minority.
所以名字好重要.... 这年头名字继承了太多的信息,大家总会多少不自觉的从名字里面挖掘出一些含金量。