



还有就是很喜欢彭老师说到的一个词儿:dirty work。现在dirty work实在是太多了,比如今天晚上把我整得昏昏欲睡的某个讲座,乱七八糟的大杂烩,如果非要评价什么,那只能说“这篇论文确实用了大量时间”。不想提了,实在是无聊。


罗嗦了这么多,是因为今天下午讲了一个小时的中级微观习题课,却深深的体会到过程的艰辛。我对自己的微观经济学功底还是很自信的,至少自己能看懂马斯克莱尔那本microeconomic theory。但是真正把自己的理解用平实的语言叙述出来,让别人理解,就是一件破费功夫的事情了。昨天晚上吃完饭不到7点开始备课,在电脑前面连续工作了五六个小时直至十二点多终于做完了一个课件。画了很多图,觉得illustrator不足以胜任还特意把Flash装上了,辛辛苦苦的折腾了好久,只是希望这些东西可以帮助他们去理解中级微观背后的那些经济思想,然后再完美的融合到数学表达式里面。当然,我不知道自己做的成不成功,还有待时间检验。至少,我想,聊胜于无吧。因为中级微观在以后的经济学的学习中实在是太重要了,所以我做的时候生怕不清晰误导了他们。查阅了很多资料,我想这是当年学中微的时候所完全不会去做的事情。这也达到了当时跟导师说的目的之一:examine my knowledge of intermediate microeconomics。



Thank you so much, dear Yue.


Stochastic calculus [4th week, Sep]

Today when I was checking my emails, I noticed one ad from The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. There was no doubt that it is the most famous business school throughout the world.  But in fact, at the first glance, I didn't realize that it was Wharton. I just thought that "oh, a school of Upeen“.

Followed its link, I was redirected to its official website, and read the introduction of its applied economics doctoral program. Although I did know that upeen would never give me an admission, I still looked carefully at the details of the program's requirements. Of course, I paid much attention on the mathematical requirements. Some familiar words came into view, like

(1) at least two courses in calculus, (2) linear algebra, (3) differential equations, and (4) probability and statistics. We also recommended that you have taken: (1) real analysis, (2) econometrics, (3) stochastic calculus.

Ok... I have one year left to meet your requirements. However, the fact is, even if I can satisfy all the basic requirements of this program, I am still not competitive enough and I have no money to pay for the tuition. Thus, the final result mentains the same: It has nothing to do with me. Moreover, I would prefer the training of theoretical economics rather than applied economics.

Here I want to say something about "stochastic". Some days ago one junior attracted my interest, not for his intelligence, but for his love of mathematics as a student of economics. I had met hundreds of schoolmates who had a good knowledge of math, either took some classes from the school of mathematics or taught themselves. But most of them were forced to enhance their math ability by the pressure from graduate schools or their advisors. Therefore, the real situation was, they did have some calculation skills after professional math trainings, but seldom did they really have the understanding of the spirit of math.

That boy was different. He didn't got high marks in every class, thereby losing the most valuable testimony of outstanding performance at study. "The only choice for me is to take part in the entrance exams for postgraduate schools ( which is called 'Kao Yan') since my lack of English and GPA ", he laughed at himself when I encouraged him to go abroad. But he told me that he had audited most of the core courses in school of math. That day we talked about a question about matrix, or more specifically, Markov chain. He offered a new solution way, which was really out of my thought. I didn't catch his meaning at first, so he explained it patiently. After that, he recommended me to listen to the course of stochastic process in school of math. To speak honestly, I had some knowledge about stochastic process so I told him. At first he was a little surprised, but soon he gave me an advice for the reason that my understanding of stochastic was not deep enough. Then he gave me a list of the courses and asked whether I would come to the class or not. Unfortunately, the time was conflicted with an other class on Tuesday afternoon. He said that it didn't matter, since I would go to another half  of the course on Thursday and the course was pretty easy. OK, I will certainly do that.

Of course, as an exchange, I provided some suggestion for the economic courses...

Now what I want to say is, why "stochastic" is so important in economics? It seems that every one has an unique answer, so do I. But today the word "stochastic calculus" really makes me confused. After searching on the Internet, I have a basic conception of it. But why it sounds so familiar? ...

Yes, Shige Peng (彭实戈)! And his backward stochastic differential equations! I see... I see...


Some Chinese materials about Stochastic calculus ( Author unknown, sorry! ).